These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

We could all use a little support right now, especially those managing small online businesses. I am starting this post to share some of my favorite products in the hopes that they'll become yours, and in the process we'll support some awesome folks working to keep their dreams alive and their families fed. If you... Continue Reading →

You Had Me At Hello

I spent this morning clearing out my inbox which, after two days of being stuck inside due to a rare Southern winter storm, became cluttered with all sorts of junk. As my eyes quickly scanned through the subject lines, I became aware of which ones drew my attention, and which ones I didn't hesitate to... Continue Reading →

Finding Time for Creativity

A quick Google search turns up 82,500,00 results for the search, "finding time for creativity." That's a lot of opinions, which means there must be a lot of folks searching for zen! I tend to be most creative when I am removed from my daily stresses (in other words, rarely). Random creative thoughts hit me in... Continue Reading →

What We Have Here Is….

There I was, at the end of a long day, reading feedback from a recent survey I'd conducted. There it was, staring back at me from the computer screen. A very negative comment from someone I had recently met and really hit it off with...or so I thought. This person obviously did not feel likewise since... Continue Reading →

Just smile and look pretty

"A strong woman is NOT a bitch. A successful woman is NOT a hooker or a gold-digger. A compassionate woman is NOT overly sensitive and thin-skinned. And a passionate woman is NOT shrill." - Michigan Senator Gretchen Whitmer's 2012 letter to the Detroit Free Press. I have been in media, public relations and marketing for... Continue Reading →

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